Georgian and Coder ()

Why Georgian Invested in Coder

We are excited to announce that Georgian has led Coder’s $35M fundraise alongside existing investors Notable Capital, Redpoint Ventures, and Uncork Capital. With this round of funding, Coder intends to invest in furthering its leading cloud development environment (CDE), accelerating its go-to-market and customer success presence in North America and Europe, and growing its own…

Agile AI at Georgian — Part 5: A Roundup of our Favorite MLOps Tools

Welcome back to Agile AI at Georgian, where I share lessons learned…

A Guide To Scaling Your AI Product

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing business — but that doesn’t make it…

How KETOS CEO Meena Sankaran Built a Culture of Trust

As a solo CEO and founder of KETOS, which builds a water…

Agile AI at Georgian – Part 4: How Data Can Make or Break Your AI Project

Welcome back to Agile AI at Georgian, where I share lessons learned…

How to Scale Your Cybersecurity With Your Business

As your company evolves from startup to growth stage, cybersecurity needs to…

Agile AI at Georgian – Part 3: Experimentation and Effort Allocation

Welcome back to Agile AI at Georgian, where I share lessons learned…

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